Business Hub now open

Location: Trust Tairāwhiti - Ground floor, 50 The Esplanade, Shed 3, Inner Harbour

Open hours: 8am to 5pm every day

Businesses are welcome to come in and use the internet to process payroll, make payments or any other business admin. There are representatives from the IRD and MSD who can provide guidance on support available for businesses. The business hub is currently set up in Gisborne but the team will be heading out to the rural townships as soon as this is possible.


IRD guidance for businesses

IRD have advised that tax is not the priority after an extreme event but they ask that businesses contact them when they are able to. They will be lenient around interest and penalties at this time.

  • Contact us via MyIR message, using the subject line ‘FLOOD’
  • Or contact 0800 473 566 (this number has been set up specifically for our region).

Inland Revenue - Tax relief – extreme events


Water use guidelines for businesses

Tairāwhiti Emergency Management have released requirements for water users, including all businesses. As of 20 February, we are at extreme water alert level – this means reservoir levels are low, we are losing water and there may be treatment plant issues at times.

Water alert level table - Requirements for all water users

Water for industry update

Wednesday 22 February, 4.00pm, Lawson Field Theatre.

GDC Drinking Water Team will update industry on the water crisis and answer any questions. In the meantime, start thinking about your planning by answering the following questions:

  • What water do you need for your business (potable/ non-potable)
  • When do you need water (day/night)
  • How long do you need water for?
  • What alternative supply options do you have and what is the deficit?


Cyclone Gabrielle: Business Needs Response survey

We urge any local businesses affected to complete our business needs response survey. The intent is to get a snapshot of what’s happening here in Tairāwhiti and where the needs are for businesses, so we can provide solid data and information to central Government as they develop their response plans.

You can call into the business hub to complete this, or do it online:


Volunteer or access support

Workforce or employees available for volunteering: Attend the daily meeting 10am at GDC with Volunteer Coordinator Chris Visser for updates/deployment.

Support needed: If you have any employees and whānau that need support, visit Te Poho o Rawiri Marae at 24 Ranfurly Street, Kaiti or SuperGrans at 2 Pitt Street are key whanau support centres.

Mental health support: Te Waharoa on 26 Peel Street is an access point for individuals and whānau in distress or need mental health support 26 Peel Street – no appointment needed, just walk in.