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Katuku Island: Game changer for Indigenous innovation

Katuku Island began as a concept for an indigenous apocalyptic mini-series but evolved into a groundbreaking educational tool that merges gaming with cultural storytelling. Created by educationalists…

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Stroke support in Tairāwhiti

Stroke Foundation New Zealand (SFNZ) is making a difference in the Tairāwhiti region, offering stroke prevention services and life-after-stroke support. Their focus on education and training within…

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Trust Tairāwhiti volunteering day

The Trust Tairāwhiti team were fortunate to spend a morning out of the office last week, volunteering with some incredible local community groups. The initiative was organised in partnership with the…

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Destination insights August 2024

August 2024 was a mixed bag for tourism in Tairawhiti. Spending by local tourists fell, while spending by international tourists went up. More people stayed in commercial accommodations, but fewer…

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Wāhine in the wool industry

Elite Wool Industry Training (EWIT) recently hosted its first all-women shearing and wool handling course in Ngatapa, with support from Trust Tairāwhiti, Ovation, and the Mayor’s Taskforce for Jobs…

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Funding approved for Rugby Park security fencing

Poverty Bay Rugby Football Union (PBRFU) will receive $73,706 in funding from Trust Tairāwhiti to install security fences at Gisborne’s Rugby Park. This funding will go towards the first stage of…

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Manaaki Tāngata uplifts Tairāwhiti communities

Manaaki Tāngata | Victim Support provides free, 24/7 support services to help victims of traumatic events across Tairāwhiti and nationwide. Offering emotional support, practical help and guidance…

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Trust funding for sporting initiatives and spring festivals

More than $42,000 in funding for community initiatives and regional events was approved in the latest Trust Tairāwhiti funding round.

Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Waiū o Ngāti Porou will receive…

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Trust Tairāwhiti launches third Tairāwhiti Wellbeing Survey

Trust Tairāwhiti invites the community to participate in the third annual Tairāwhiti Wellbeing Survey (TWS).

The survey is building comprehensive local data about how we’re doing as a region, and…

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Destination insights July 2024

July tourism data shows mixed results for Tairāwhiti Despite a generally positive outlook for tourism in Tairāwhiti during July, data revealed some fluctuations in accommodation preferences and…

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Rāngai expands to boost Tairāwhiti education sector

Trust Tairāwhiti has approved a distribution of $68,500 to Rāngai Ltd to expand its tertiary education offerings, including bachelor degrees, for students in the region.

The funding will support…

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Lifeline in the sky: Trust Tairāwhiti Rescue Helicopter

For more than 35 years, the Trust Tairāwhiti Rescue Helicopter has been a vital lifeline for East Coast communities, from Mahanga Beach in the south to Te Kaha in the north and as far west as…

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Explore, experience, taste: Come See Why 2.0

Building on the success of last year's ‘Come See Why’ campaign, which showcased the unique East Coast lifestyle, Tairāwhiti Gisborne (the Regional Tourism Organisation) is rolling out Come See Why…

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Te Tairāwhiti Arts Festival: Rā season

A new and exciting lineup has been announced for the Rā season of Te Tairāwhiti Arts Festival (TTAF), which will run from 4 to 13 October.

Rutene Spooner will return to the festival with his show…

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Quarterly Economic Monitor June 2024

Economic activity in Tairāwhiti remains lower of the last year, although there are some signs of stabilisation in the latest quarter. Provisional estimates from Infometricsshow a 0.5%pa recovery in…

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September distributions boost local projects 2024

Over $56,000 in community grants were approved in the latest Trust Tairāwhiti funding round. The Gisborne Farmers Market was the biggest recipient, receiving $11,209.65 in funding for a new…

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Tairāwhiti is open for aerospace

Trust Tairāwhiti has invested in exploring the establishment of an aerospace sector in the region with the intention of unlocking significant economic, social, environmental, and cultural…

Infometrics report on Tairawhiti tradeable sector

Infometrics report on Tairawhiti tradeable sector

The Trust commissioned Infometrics to assess the size of the region’s tradeable sector, to help contextualise the significance of the tradeable sector in Tairāwhiti and inform stakeholder…