We proudly support events that invest in the wellbeing of our region’s people, businesses and futures.

Trust meeting

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Trust Tairāwhiti Wānanga Meeting June 2024

You are welcome to join trustees during the Trust Wānanga open section, 9:00am - 9:30am....

Low Res 20240204 E.WALKER 13433

Tairāwhiti Funders Information Session

Are you planning your next project and looking for funding opportunities for the upcoming financial year? Join us for the Tairāwhiti Funders Information Session, where you…...

Health Safety Essentials for Small Business

Business Central: Health & Safety Essentials for Small Business

This course is suitable for people who own a small business and want to ensure they comply with health and safety best practice requirements. It is…...

Dale Carnegie Business Brunch

Dale Carnegie: Business Brunch

Join the Dale Carnegie team for a preview of their courses and to learn more about their Skills for Success programme....

Low Res 20240214 E.WALKER 13902

Trust Tairāwhiti Tatūnga Meeting May 2024

You are welcome to join trustees during the Trust Meeting open section, 9am - 9:30am....

Employment Essential Website

Business Central: Employment Essentials for Managers

This course covers the employment fundamentals of managing staff which is a requirement for every manager. Managing well requires skill, expertise, and experience, all applied within…...

The Disciplinary Process Banners3

Business Central: The Disciplinary Process

This course will cover how to effectively manage the disciplinary process. Every week we read of cases where employers have been ordered to pay significant penalties.…...


Business Central: Stage 2 Health & Safety Representatives

The purpose of this two-day course is to extend the skill level of H&S Representatives. Stage 2 training focuses on specific risk and hazard identification and…...


Business Central: Stage 1 Health and Safety Representatives

This course is suitable for people who have been chosen to be the H&S Representative for their organisation and need to be well-prepared for the role.…...

Low Res Te Kaha

Trust Tairāwhiti Wānanga Meeting April 2024

You are welcome to join trustees during the Trust Wānanga open section, 3:30pm - 4:30am....


Business Central: Project Management for Non-Project Managers

The purpose of this course is to provide you with a practical approach to the processes and tools central to the basics of project management. You’ll…...


Business Central: Lead to Inspire – Advanced Leadership

This course will cover the leadership and management skills that are required to extend competency for those who have previous leadership experience. The course consists of…...