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Mātai is a not-for-profit research centre based in Tairāwhiti Gisborne, focused on enhancing Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).

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Te Tairāwhiti Arts Festival

Trust Tairāwhiti is proud to have supported Te Tairāwhiti Arts Festival 2020.

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Eastland Group and Trust Tairāwhiti take action on climate change

In July 2019 Eastland Group and Trust Tairāwhiti joined the Climate Leaders Coalition (CLC) and now have in place a means for collecting data to measure their greenhouse gas emissions.

RBP Team

Business support - Regional Business Partners

2020 has been a challenging time for many of our local businesses. However, Trust Tairāwhiti and the local Regional Business Partners (RBP) team are enormously proud of how small and medium…

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Tairāwhiti Economy Shows Resilience

Quarterly economic data released by Infometrics shows the considerable resilience of the Tairāwhiti economy over the June 2020 year.

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Wood investment - does it have Government support?

The Government is confident that the future of the forestry and wood-processing sector will be bright." - Forestry Minister Shane Jones said in a govt article on June 12.

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Manaaki Tairāwhiti and Trust Tairāwhiti present the Gisborne Housing Strategy to Council

From 27 February 2020